Chính Chủ gửi tin Cho thuê chung cư

Thời gian đăng tin: 01:18 25/12/2024
Tin về hệ thống lúc: 25/12/24
Địa chỉ: Vinhomes Ocean Park - Gia Lâm
Diện tích: 33 m2

For Rent: Luxurious Fully Furnished Studio Apartment at P3 Pavilion, Vinhomes Ocean Park, Da Ton, Gia Lam, Ha Noi

• Balcony View: Offering a panoramic view of Hanoi’s city center. Witness stunning sunsets in the afternoon and the dazzling city lights at night.

This apartment features a spacious, double-sized balcony, ideal for relaxing with a cup of coffee, unwinding after a long day, or cultivating your own mini garden.

• Interior: Thoughtfully designed with a modern, cohesive concept, this unit is newly completed and entirely unused. You will be the very first tenant. (Perfect for those who prioritize cleanliness, privacy, and exclusivity.)

• Rental Price: 7,500,000 VND/month (inclusive of all service charges).

For inquiries and personalized service, please contact:

Mr. Lukas - 0368060xxx (Available on Zalo)


レンタル情報: 高級感あふれるフル家具付きスタジオアパートメント - P3パビリオン, Vinhomes Ocean Park, Da Ton, Gia Lam, ハノイ

• バルコニーの眺望: ハノイ市中心部を見渡すパノラマビュー。午後には美しい夕日を、夜には煌びやかな街の夜景をお楽しみいただけます。


• 内装: モダンで統一感のあるコンセプトで丁寧に設計されており、完全に新築かつ未使用です。あなたが最初の入居者になります。(清潔さやプライバシー、独占性を重視する方に最適な選択です。)

• 賃料: 月額7,500,000 VND(全てのサービス料金込み)

ルーカス様 - 0368060xxx (Zalo利用可能)

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