Chính Chủ gửi tin Bán nhà

Thời gian đăng tin: 14:35 14/08/2023
Tin về hệ thống lúc: 14/08/23
Địa chỉ: Tây Bắc - Nha Trang
Diện tích: 74 m2, 60 m2

Thảo Nhà Đất HP ▶ ‎ Hội Bất Động Sản Hải Phòng

https:// nhadathaiphong.v n/ ban-nha-so-46-lo -9-mo-rong-le-h ong-phong-hai-a n-hai-phong-bds 101958.htm?zars rc=30&utm_sourc e=zalo&utm_medi um=zalo&utm_cam paign=zalo

Diện tích MB:60 thực tế 74m2

Paper: The Official Red Book

Project name: New Urban Project Intersection - Cat Bi Airport (Le Hong Phong Road)

- 5-storey building, solid, modern design, with elevator, DTMB 60m2 practical 74m2, technical slot 2m wide at the back. Airy space, crowded residential, high population, good security.

- The house is located on a busy central street, 12m wide road, cars travel comfortably, convenient traffic to major roads.

- Around many amenities: near schools of all levels, markets, hospitals, banks, restaurants, supermarkets, etc.

- House structure consists of: garage, living room, dining room, 4 bedrooms, altar, playground, patio, 4 toilets.

- Customers please contact the owner before coming to see the house.

Contact person: Ms Trang - Mr. Ba

Address:No. 46 lot 9 extension Le Hong Phong, Hai An, Hai Phong

Phone:0931.07xxx63 - 09xxx008.585

Translated from Vietnamese

https:// nhadathaiphong.v n/ ban-nha-so-46-lo -9-mo-rong-le-h ong-phong-hai-a n-hai-phong-bds 101958.htm?zars rc=30&utm_sourc e=zalo&utm_medi um=zalo&utm_cam paign=zalo

Diện tích MB:60 thực tế 74m2

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