Khách gửi tin Bán đất

Thời gian đăng tin: 07:29 17/09/2023
Tin về hệ thống lúc: 17/09/23
Địa chỉ: Linh Đàm - Hoàng Mai

Beo Lunxinh ▶ ‎ Cộng Đồng Cư Dân HH Linh Đàm

Thanh chặn cửa, chắn cửa đa năng ngăn côn trùng, bụi bẩn, chắn gió.

Nẹp mút xốp chặn đáy cửa chặn gió mùa cách nhiệt cách âm ngăn côn trùng

Có thể cắt ngắn được. Sử dụng tiện lợi, tháo rút dễ dàng. Không ảnh hưởng tới nền. Bản thân nhà tôi cũng đang dùng. Khá...

Door bar, multi-purpose door shield to prevent insects, dust, wind shield.

Foam brackets to block the bottom of the door, block the wind, insulate, sound, prevent insects

Might have it cut short. Convenient to use, easy to withdraw. Not affected by the background. I am using it myself. Pretty durable.

Sliding windscreen door bracket, restrict heat in summer and keep room warm in winter. Extremely useful product for the family, saving energy.

Door fitting 95cm wide, maximum 6cm thick.


Each bedroom door should be covered one if the house has air conditioning.

Can be cut to fit a shorter door. If there is a longer door, it can be opened both sides a little bit.

If your house (especially condo) faces northeast balcony then you know what a north wind is like. The cold north east wind drifts through the door slows down the room temperature. This costs the electricity bill for the fireplace. Even a cold can affect health.

In the summer it's the other way around. When you turn on the A/C, cold air in the room comes out in the doorways. This wastes a lot of energy and drains electricity bill.

According to the USA Energy Commission, heat exhaust through the door slips cost 30% of the energy usage. Use the windshield door bracket as video to save energy and provide a comfortable, healthy life for your baby.

Translated from Vietnamese

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