Chính Chủ gửi tin Bán đất

Thời gian đăng tin: 04/03
Tin về hệ thống lúc: 14:43 04/03
Địa chỉ: Chơn Thành - Chơn Thành
Tổng giá: 700 triệu/tổng

Bán đất gấp 700tr Lh : 0949827xxx Hoặc +84 90 7xxx986
May be an image of text
No photo description available.
May be an image of 1 person, scooter, bicycle, road, cloud, fog, grass and street
May be an image of blueprint, ticket stub and text
May be an image of ticket stub and text
May be an image of 8 people, people studying, clarinet and text
May be an image of 9 people and text
May be an image of ‎7 people, people studying and ‎text that says '‎HILA Network: Mar 2025 at 14:30:33 GMI N 1263839xxx8051 143 SE Võ Trưởng Toán TX. Chơn Thành Remark: Nguyên thế Bấy BDS chơn thành huyên SÔ sách pháp lý.phân lô tách táchthuakhuvụ thứa vự Bình phước 0967510xxx 10639 0xxx51 BÁNG IN DD Laa S ကမ له 0น่ง heaur Han บดุแท่ง CegO ยรูน hesdia lun hnaht hahtabrin‎'‎‎
May be an image of grass and text that says 'RONG SỤN ĐỒNG TÂM 034.248xxx81-096.xxx1870 88xxx34.248.33'
May be an image of text that says 'RONGSUNĐONGTÂM RONG SỤN ĐỒNG TÂM 1870'
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'RONG SỤN ĐỒNG RONGSUNĐÔNGTÂM TÂM ONG 鼠 CHyR SUN 0954.06xxx468.061xxx0 CHUYEN GLA 0 0341 2 E'
May be an image of sea moss and text that says 'RONG SUN GAI KHÔ SẠCH MUỐI 1KG NỞ NỞ7KG 7KG RONG SỤN ĐỒNG TÂM 034.248xxx81-09 0xxx -0xxx886.1870'
May be an image of text that says 'RONGSUNGA|KHÔSĄCHM RONG SỤN GAI KHÔ SẠCH MUỐI 1kg nở 6- 6-7kg RONG SỤN ĐỒNG TÂM 034.248xxx34.248.xxx1-096.8xxx1870 248.'
No photo description available.
No photo description available.
May be an image of street

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